Seek and you shall find

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Next chapter : Wolof

Preparing for the next chapter in my life starting October 14, I'll be on a two month rotation working in Senegal with 1 month off. Excited to be heading back to Africa, looking forward to advancing my career in Geology and exposing myself to another one of Africa's beautiful countries. Stay tuned for my explicit Senegal Blog.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Be seen, be heard, live on

I love the end.

I love everything about it, the end of a book which is isn't always up to par is still great because it reminds you of how good it was. The end is never as good as the means and that's understood.

I love nearing the end, it often stirs up some butterflies but with those butterflies comes a sense of excitment associated with the curiosity of a new beginning.

The end of something good doesn't mean it wasn't good. Often I look back and remember good times and discover that they were better than I had previously remembered. That sentiment is often attributed by the end coming when it did, preserving the greatness of what it was.

Deadlines are often the end of a project, which is always nice to know you've got it off your plate. Accomplishing tasks, starting new ones and knowing things done are things you can be proud of...

It's Wednesday, but I feel an end coming up and I'm excited for the new beginings associated and i'm grateful for the goodness that it was.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Do we want who we can't have or is it simply the idea they represent?

Everyone knows we want what we can't have...

Unavailable wants and no getting... Setting yourself up for failure or simply avoiding the great big hurt by choosing a smaller calculated hurt?

Not ready for commitment or just aware and mitigated commitment efforts?

One week before Valentine's day and I wonder about these things as I straddle the line separating love, affection, appreciation and profound friendship.

Straddling FTW

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Cheesy Snack

Today is Valentine's day, my friend Mel is coming over to study and have a glass of wine with some cheese. When I thought to myself... Hey, there's something in Jamie's Food Revolution by Jamie Oliver that I'd love to try... I'm sure it was something to do with brie... Or cheese...

I rushed over to the grocery store picked up a baguette and some brie...
Had the fresh rosemary, olive oil and garlic already here.

Scored the top of the cheese, sprinkled garlic and rosemary on followed by a gentle drizzle of olive oil.

Put it in my oven set at 350 F. 10 minutes later I had a melted delicious cheesy snack for us to enjoy on this lovely study date.

1 8 oz soft cheese (brie or camembert style)
1 stem rosemary
2 table spoons of olive oil
2 cloves of garlic

Really simple, simply delicious and beautiful. Anyone who wants a quick romantic lil cheesy snack should try this out.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Other Day

I went to the grocery store and bought some fresh veggies... They weren't on shelves, I picked them from vines that grew inside the greenhouse/grocery store. I ate oysters and drank complimentary champagne as there was plenty of staff ensuring everyone had all they could eat and drink. They carried trays and seemed to always be there when you needed more champagne or desired some oysters.

I got to the back corner by the dairy and egg section and heard a three piece jazz band. They were great and really added to the experience. I walked away and went to the back kitchen area where I saw some friends already cooking, laughing and joking. Multiple beautiful kitchen counters lined the room... Like a luxurious home-ec class; I found a spot and cooked up some foie gras and had some more oysters and champagne.

Went to the dining/lounge area where Oscar Peterson was playing in the corner... Sat down, listened to the music, enjoyed the food with some friends and drank more champagne. We discussed many topics also told jokes and laughed... I woke up laughing that morning.

Friday, January 21, 2011

I'm on the mend

First thoughts haven't been...
Hell yeah, I'm moving on
Thoughts... and the family i've seen
The holidays always... remind the fun

Not that i've forgotten
Just that i have found a medium
Channeling the love often
Found within remembering soam...

Today, there's something hopeful
Distracting, yet still idealistic
Remembering, while being realistic
Nostalgically, looking to the future

I know...
I'll keep forever looking
For that special bond
It's not the very end
Still... Lots of fish in the pond

Unless she convinces me otherwise.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Same Reasons

I can't help but love you
I need to love you

This love constricts
This love permits

This love inspires
This love expires

I love to love you
I have to leave you

Our journey ends with me walking away
Don't look for me when I'm gone
This is how it has to be

Wish I could stay
I can't because I love you
I need this change